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About Credit Report & Scores

Checking your credit report is important to making sure accurate information is reporting. By checking your credit score, you can determine where you stand in terms of your financial health.

myFICO® is the leading expert in providing actual credit reports, scores and information to consumers online.

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Credit Report & Score

Your financial health is just as important.

FICO® Score

Know your FICO® Score. Most lenders and card issuers view your FICO® credit scores when making their decision.

Three Bureau Credit Report

Get your three bureau credit report. Your TransUnion®, Experian®, and Equifax® credit report and score all in one place.

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Why Should I Check My Credit Report?


Checking your credit report allows you to understand how your financial actions are affecting your credit score.

Accurate Reporting

By checking your credit report, you can monitor that accurate information is being reported. You can avoid fraud accounts or inaccurate information by monitoring your credit report.

Improve Your Credit

Checking your credit report can help you identify ways to improve your credit score.

Avoid Any Surprises

See what lenders see. Know where you stand before applying with any lender.

Frequently Asked Questions

Checking your credit score does not affect your score as long as it’s you checking your score and not a lender.

It’s recommended to check your credit report at least one a month to avoid any wrong information from being reported.

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